Heroes is an American serial drama television series which began airing on the NBC network in the United States starting September 25, 2006. In addition, The Sci-Fi Channel in the US will air encore episodes starting September 29, 2006. The series debut was the most-watched program that night among adults 18-49. The premiere of Heroes attracted 14.3 million viewers overall and received the highest rating for any NBC drama premiere in five years.
The premise deals with a number of people all over the world abruptly discovering that they have superpowers. The show follows how these changes affect their lives and the lives of those around them. Tim Kring is the series' creator and the pilot was directed by Dave Semel. Heroes is produced by NBC Universal/Tailwind. The show airs Mondays at 9pm EST/8c. Comic book writer Jeph Loeb (Superman/Batman) has signed on as a writer/co-executive producer
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